
Did Reuters Crop a Photo to Remove a Peace Activist's Weapon?

Vicious Babushka6/06/2010 12:56:11 pm PDT

German Jews announce their very own blockade-running flotilla.

The activists are frightened, she said, but not by Hamas.

“Jews have been to Gaza in the past, and they were treated in a friendly manner,” Leitrer continued. “We have also talked with them recently, and they are very keen for us to come. We are frightened by what happened on the Marmara, but if you are committed to do good things, you have to act. People were also killed in the fight against fascism.”

She rejected Israel’s fears that weapons would be smuggled into Gaza on the aid boats.

“We haven’t heard there were weapons on the last flotilla, and people were shot and killed there,” she said. “We have contacted Israel figures and told them they are welcome to carry out searches on the boats, but we ask to be allowed to continue to Gaza. These are Gazan waters, and Israel must not control them.”

Teh Stupid! Teh Tsunami of Stupid!