
Wikileaks' Russian Representative: A Holocaust Denier

NJDhockeyfan12/14/2010 9:03:52 pm PST

This doesn’t make SF look very good…

Agency decides it can’t afford to stay in S.F.

After almost 100 years, the State Compensation Insurance Fund is pulling 755 of its 830 jobs out of town, having determined that San Francisco is just too expensive - and its workforce too dumb - for the agency to continue doing most of its business here.

Workers called to a recent meeting at the Herbst Theatre were told that 293 jobs will move to Pleasanton, 422 to Vacaville and 40 to Sacramento, with 75 employees remaining in the city.

…The fund, which handles workers’ compensation, is a quasi-government agency - its workers are civil servants and it is overseen by a state-appointed board of directors. Its headquarters have been in San Francisco since 1913.