
President of NOM Tries to Capitalize on Shooting Incident, Demands Free Pass on Hate

NJDhockeyfan8/16/2012 9:08:20 am PDT


President Obama’s former campaign chair, former Democratic Congressman from Alabama Artur Davis has called VP Biden’s remark an example of ‘racial viciousness’. He says he has spoken with African Americans who say VP Joe Biden’s remarks about being ‘put back in chains’ by unregulated banks is offensive.

…I don’t know exactly what racial ‘viciousness’ is supposed to mean. It seems to me enslaving people is a form of viciousness, not reminding people that it once happened. Is he saying slavery is off limits as a topic of discussion because it is an unpleasant reminder, or merely that is a pandering applause line. Because (even as Wolf Blitzer points out), it doesn’t stay in the ‘quiet room’, there are TV cameras everywhere and it went viral immediately.

And just like clockwork the left shows their racism…

Just a few comments by the Koskids…

I am older than Artur Davis and from the south (13+ / 0-)
like he is. And Artur reminds me of something in the old south. Uncle Toms. Man, this guy sold his soul. And what black people did he talk to, that large number of them who didn’t vote for him in the last election? Badbye Artur.

by OrganizedCrime on Wed Aug 15, 2012 at 07:07:52 PM PDT

Uncle Tom - yep, right on the money! (6+ / 0-)
People like him, like Clarence Thomas, like Mr. 999, Michael Steele - they turn my stomach.

“When someone shows you who they are … believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou

by Orlaine on Wed Aug 15, 2012 at 07:27:35 PM PDT

Nope. A Davis is what my Late Mother would (2+ / 0-)
have called a “Handkerchief-Head”. Uncle Tom was just slow finding his spine. A Handkerchief-Head is, well, think Uncle Ruckus.

by oldmilitant on Wed Aug 15, 2012 at 08:59:18 PM PDT