
Sunday Afternoon Open

unrealizedviewpoint2/15/2009 3:09:47 pm PST

re: #460 zombie

Almost ALL landfill in the US now have “radiation detectors” which the garbage trucks must drive through before dumping their loads. That happened a few years ago in the Bay Area — a truckload set off the alarm. Hazmat team came in a Geiger-countered the entire load. They finally traced the radiation to some cat poop. Apparently the cat had eaten a mouse or bird which had somehow picked up some radioactive material at one of the government labs around here (i.e. either Lawrence Livermore Lab, or Lawrence Berkeley Lab, or various research hospitals with radiation centers, etc.)

So, I doubt the signs are in a landfill.

I don’t think anyone is saying all 15K are in one landfill, but many landfills. One sign is unlikely going to trigger an alarm.