
Pope Admits Mistakes with Holocaust Denying 'Bishop'

yma o hyd3/12/2009 1:35:13 pm PDT

re: #413

Interesting, from a friend of mine who is in the know about these things:

Thanks, ___.
I have a lot of respect for Benedict, but in some ways he’s living in an era of 50 years ago. I read in the past few days that he just shook up a number of Curia positions. The speculation is that they have not kept him properly informed, etc. As his letter says, this thing has terribly pained him. He did not consult as he should have and his advisors did him a grave injustice - partly because of their incompetence and lack of savy about how to access pertinent info. This is sad and a terrible reflection on the Vatican. Thanks for sending this.

Hiya, {reine}

Interesting that - but I see this differently.
It would have been a sad and terrible reflection on the Vatican if there had been a continuous silence.
That Pope Benedict has apologised, in no uncertain terms, and without the weasel words we’re used to hear from our politicians, is something which I find admirable.
I also think that we’d have to seek far and wide to find a corporation of comparable importance as the Vatican to come out with such a clear admission of mistakes made.