
Wednesday Night Stunt Guitar: Joe Satriani w/ Marco Minneman and Bryan Beller - "Satch Boogie"

Decatur Deb10/02/2014 9:34:54 am PDT

re: #469 lawhawk

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So, the Texas patient had been screened to fly, but somehow it was missed that he had helped a person who had Ebola - direct physical contact with someone with Ebola.

That should have raised red flags in Liberia before he ever set foot on a plane.

The people screening in West Africa have to ask the right questions just as surely as those at hospitals doing intake have to do the same.

Have you come in contact with someone who was sick in West Africa with any of the following symptoms..
When did that contact occur (count days)…

Check for actual symptoms.

If person is not symptomatic, warn person not to fly or alert facilities at destination that person may have been infected, but isn’t symptomatic. Get person medical attention at destination or have person in quarantine in origination country until they clear the incubation window.

Passport Control might work for tips.