
Snowe: 'Ideological Purity Is Not the Ticket Back'

Salamantis4/29/2009 7:25:32 pm PDT

re: #434 daledog

What social issues are we talking about here?

Abortion - This is a 50/50 (I’ll grant 40/60) issue in the USA. What is so damned controversial about being pro-life?

3/4 of the US electorate does not want to see a blanket ban on abortion. To support one is electorally hamstringing.

Gay marriage - This is a 60/40 issue in the USA. What is so damned controversial about wanting to preserve the definition of marriage?

Those times they are a changin’, especially with regards to civil unions. We can get ahead of that curve, or be left behind it.

Stem Cell research - Adult/cord stem cells have been proven to work. Stem cells from fertilized eggs are risky at this point. With a finite amount of money available for research, what is so damned controversial about preferring adult stem cell research?<’/blockquote>

It smacks of extreme antiabortion ‘every sperm is sacred’ ism. If excess zygotes from fertility clinics would otherwise be shittcanned, WHY NOY employ them to help humankind instead? The only reason that adult stem cell research has advanced is that that is where the federal money spigot was opened; who knows what advances would have been made had government funding for zygotic stem cell research not been choked off? Well, we will know in the future, because Obama has recently reopened those spigots.

This SoCon bogey man shit is wearing me out.

Those bogies are quite real to a substantial bloc of the electorate, and they’re not gonna vote for that bogeyman to be allowed into their bedroom.