
12 Years Later: Remembering 9/11

Dr Lizardo9/11/2013 11:25:18 am PDT

re: #472 HappyWarrior

It’s fucked up. It’s not only the public health problem though, it’s also that the people who will be victimized most by it are kids. I don’t understand why and how it’s taken off some 50+ years after Dr. Salk’s polio vaccine but here we are.

I don’t get it either.

Someone here once mentioned those ‘kittens of creationism’ of Adnan Oktar’s; out of curiosity, I watched a couple of their interview program vids; one of their early guests was an anti-vaxxer, and their reaction was something to effect of “WHHUUUT?” when this person went off on an anti-vaxxer rant about autism and whatnot.

They simply couldn’t believe that any sane human being would advocate that position. One of them challenged the anti-vaxxer, and after a rather sputtering response, they changed the subject, probably to avoid embarrassing the guest even further.

I laughed my butt off.