
Fox's Bergdahl Jihadi Story: "Secret Docs Based on a Purported Eyewitness" Supplied by a Shady Right Wing Group

Sjef6/06/2014 8:28:19 am PDT

Hello Charles, and the LGF community.

I have been a frequent lurker on your site for the past year, and I finally decided to create an account. I am a Canadian working and living in Old Europe, and out of all the American political blogs I follow I really respect and like your articles and community the best, mostly due to the civility and thoughtful, intelligent comments I see here. And the cat pictures. My namesake is in tribute to my Dutch kitteh, Sjef, who passed away last year and was 9 kilos in his prime. I hope to be able to engage you guys from the Canuck-living-abroad perspective and you guys have made a great site here. The recent complete freak-out of the right in the US has me baffled and I am a woman close to 50 years old who came of age in the 80’s and thought Reagan was far-right. So thanks for letting me say hi. Here’s Sjef, if I can get this to work.Sjef