
Some More News: Why Spotify Is Bad for Music [VIDEO]

Targetpractice3/07/2022 11:25:56 am PST

re: #474 No Malarkey!

I respectfully disagree. Biden knows Putin can’t be rewarded with official recognition of the Crimea annexation and the separatist “republics.” That just invites more Russian aggression. The only deal Russia should be offered in return for a ceasefire and immediate withdrawal of the invasion force is the lifting of some of the sanctions.

Unfortunately, we pretty much know by this point that it’s Europe (specifically Germany) who’s really calling the shots on the sanctions imposed. We held back on NS2 until Germany announced they were withholding approval, and Russia wasn’t kicked from SWIFT until the EU took the first steps. I’m not sure Biden is prepared to junk all the progress he’s made in the past year undoing much of the damage Cheetolini did just to stand firm against any concessions by Zelensky. Especially if the EU starts talking membership or bankrolling reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.