
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

kirkspencer12/31/2010 5:33:36 am PST

way, WAY late to this particular discussion but….

re: #172

In my opinion, based on information I have seen:
Manning stole information and passed it to Assange, who had a network for dissemination.
Assange decided to use his network and disseminate the information, thus completing the theft.

That is an example of a clear and concise statement of a person’s position on this.
Care to share yours?

What is the difference between Wikileaks and the New York Times, the Guardian, et al?

Wikileaks gave (not sold) this material to those organizations, who also knew its provenance. They are the ones who actually published it for public consumption.

By the position you hold these news media sources are just as guilty.

Two relevant facts. 1) Wikileaks has only released what these five papers approved. Not everything, not unredacted. 2) Wikileaks is a registered news media organization, and has been for a few years.

The difference matters.