
Creationist Hearings Scheduled in Texas

Spar Kling1/17/2009 2:31:12 pm PST

re: #382 Charles

The shameless liar is back, to spread more creationist nonsense. Michael Behe is a laughingstock in the field of biology, and has not published a single scientific paper or done a single experiment that
supports his ludicrous nonsense.

We’re still waiting for “Spar Kling” to provide links to those “peer
reviewed” papers on intelligent design he promised — he can’t, there
are none — and tell us which field of science his “degree” is in — he
can’t do that either, because he lied about it and really has no
scientific background at all.

Charles, while I won’t respond to your egregious personal attacks, I will say this: I do not believe that creationism should be taught in science classes and I am strongly against any “wedge strategy,” but I do believe that Intelligent Design, Darwinian evolution, and Lamarkianism evolution should be examined at the secondary level, along with the evidence for and against them (avoiding any dogmatism).

According to the bio on the back of Behe’s book The Edge of Evolution, Michael Behe did postdoctoral work on DNA Structure at the National Institutes of Health. He has authored more than 40 technical papers. Other sources confirm that his PhD is in Biochemistry and that his dissertation was on sickle cell disease.

You should read his latest book before making your judgments.
