
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

Dom1/25/2009 11:30:09 am PST

re: #460 jainphx

This is exactly why it is stated “G-D planted knowledge of hisself in all of us” what one does with that knowledge or ‘FEELING” is up to the individual. Sometimes I thing we argue past each other, instead of hitting home runs, a few singles would be sufficient.

You reminded me: I was very inspired a few years ago by R’ Michal Twerski who told me that when according to B’reishit God said “let us make Adam (Adam/man/earth) in our image” and went on to create Adam in His image, he left us to fulfill the remainder of the pledge, to make the world spiritual as we were then. And that is mankind’s purpose. We also learn from this that we are already in God’s image, but that we are not spiritually whole if we are not by choice also God’s companions. (That is for me an inspiring extrapolation from a literal reading but shouldn’t be used to judge whether or not someone is making the grade. Rather it reinforces my goodwill and my faith in our ability to do good things, to uplift the world despite any disagreements. Since God declared that intention on our behalf and at the moment of mankind’s inception it should perhaps be the most credible prophecy there is. That’s a good thing. Not many people think of me as religious but I keep the above in mind. Good on Rabbi Twerski.)