
Cordoba House Developers: 'Hamas Does Not and Will Not Speak For Us'

eastsider8/16/2010 6:40:10 pm PDT

re: #448 windsagio

I still think that this is a dead end for them in the long term, unless they actually get the damn thing blocked.

Starry Eyed Dreamer that I am :)

[bolding mine]

wind, we agree as per usual.

Its a fundamental misalignment of performance incentives. Politics interferes with governance pretty badly when officials focus on short term windows (like a 2 year election cycle). Its only gotten worse as the 24 hour news cycle has been cemented into our culture, and now the insta-punditry of the internet has emerged as a way where you can go from ho-hum administrator to political outcast in half a day.

Politicians are no longer looking at all into the future, and are only concerned with winning the next day (or hour!). Which is a major problem when these are the people in place to govern our country, which is supposed to operate, ideally, on a timeframe of decades, or even centuries.