
Target Breach Bigger: Personal Data on 70, not 40 Million Customers Stolen

Birth Control Works1/10/2014 12:14:36 pm PST

re: #46 ObserverArt

Some of the LGF people were on that earlier today in the other thread. (The one I was still responding to…sigh…alone…and cold!)

I made mention the dudebros and wingnuts seem to be fine with the news of private corps giving it up, but wildly pissed off they’ll tell you if the the government gets even tracking info.

So, why not just close the NSA, and hire a bunch of hackers, I asked?

Someone pointed out about the love affair of hackers and how they build careers on it.

That reminded me that you might be able to start out at a place like Dell, move up to the CIA and then onto the NSA.

Its a career path that can put you in a great foreign country like China and Russia. Think of the possibilities.

There seem to be some Whacko Religious People who would prefer this country be more like Russia.