
Former Port Authority Official Says Christie Knew About Lane Closings

A Mom Anon1/31/2014 1:26:32 pm PST

re: #33 Charles Johnson

I am not sure either, I thought the whole objection outside the obvious environmental concerns were that the jobs created were temporary and nowhere near the number that the proponents are saying will be created. And with our lax environmental inspections and laws, it’s going to end up being a mess at some point. I’ve seen photos of the mess the tar sand mining is leaving behind, it’s not fixable.

Large corporations have proven over and over they can’t be trusted, especially when no one’s looking, and they don’t give a damn about the damage they cause. The most they ever get is a slap on the wrist and some fines that amount to nothing to them. And it’s always poor people who get screwed over in these cases, half the time they aren’t even able to sue for damages.