
Watch Live: Hillbilly Night at the Values Voter Summit

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/26/2014 5:14:27 pm PDT

Speaking of the Duggars, yesterday I posted about the Us article about Jenna Duggar’s anti-evolution statement. Today she goes all in:

Jessa Duggar Uses the Holocaust to Attack Abortion, Evolution


Just one day after Jessa Duggar bashed evolution and atheism on Instagram, she returned to the social media site to express an even more controversial view.

Jessa and her fiance Ben Seewald are in DC at the moment [heh, I wonder what convention they are attending?], and according to her IG page they recently paid a visit to the US Holocaust Museum.


Unfortunately, and all too predictably, the emotions that Jessa experienced at the museum inspired an lengthy, impassioned defense of her various political causes and religious convictions - none of which have anything to do with the millions of lives lost in concentration camps.

Jessa’s latest Insta-rant is too long to reproduce here, but she begins by saying, “I walked through the Holocaust museum today…very sobering.”


Then she begins to go off the rails, asserting that racism stems “from the evolutionary idea that man evolved from something less than human; that some people groups are ‘less evolved’ and others ‘more evolved.’”

Say what? We’re not sure what evolutionary biologists Jessa’s been chatting with, but the gist of the theory is that we all evolved from different species.

There’s literally not a single reputable scientist on the planet claiming that “some people groups are ‘less evolved.’”

But hey, if your head hasn’t exploded yet, don’t worry - it gets worse.


Jessa Duggar - a values vote for sure.