
American Family Association's Bryan Fischer on the TPP: "A Major Tool to Export Sexual Deviancy to the World"

Decatur Deb6/12/2015 7:09:06 pm PDT

re: #46 EPR-radar

Time will tell. I do think the Democrats in 2014 got in trouble by running away from the president, with Grimes in KY being outstandingly spineless.

However, nobody is going to be able to fire up the Democratic base by touting another trade deal.

In my opinion, Obama is making a big mistake by pushing so hard for the TPP.

When I figure out whether NAFTA accelerated or slowed the death of American manufacturing jobs, I’ll know my opinion of TPP. It all falls back to deciding what is an “American” job and an “American” industry, and whether those terms make any sense any more.