
Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz Are Openly Advocating for a Theocratic Government

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/07/2015 7:18:29 pm PDT

Look at the “tea parties” that were ginned up after the 2008 election. For all the puffery, it was mostly old white folk who didn’t like a black President.

It generated enough heat to force Congress into a do-nothing standstill for 6 years.

But… in the meantime the culture has grown even more libertine, accepting not only of gays in general but SSM as well as other issues in regards to sex and gender identity.

Passing of the generations isn’t always even. There are times that are more troubled than others. Most of my lifetime, after the Vietnam war, life in the United States has not been very troubled for most Americans. I expect that to continue until the next great economic crisis or major world war.

Life has always been harder for minorities, but just this week SC finally took down their rebel flag, so things do change.