
Seth Meyers: Trump Lies About Taxes, Health Care, Basically Everything

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/28/2017 10:17:19 pm PDT

re: #40 Kragar

He worked for a law firm that had Alfa Bank as a client. That is not the same as “working for the Russians,” but considering the connexions, is worth looking in to.

Wikipedia notes he has been nominated for the Criminal Division of the DOJ; it does not say he was confirmed for that position.

He has been placed on the Congressional calendar for consideration. That is not the same as “he has the job.” He was not confirmed today.

The Washington Post reported back at the end of July this guy was nominated. At the time he acknowledged his work with the law firm on behalf of Alfa Bank to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The tweet above is untrue (he has not been confirmed). If the standard for confirmation of a position is “never worked for a criminal as a lawyer,” an awful lot of lawyers representing criminal clients could not get appointed to anything. Same goes for those who work for the lawyers.

The person certainly requires scrutiny in light of what’s going on, but Alfa Bank is allowed to hire lawyers to represent it, just as any other corporation is. He worked for a law firm, not Alfa Bank.