
A Fantastic New John Oliver Piece on a Timely Subject: Trade

No Malarkey!8/20/2018 12:34:15 pm PDT

re: #45 Blind Frog Belly White

In the future, whoever’s left will look back on this time and wonder what the actual fuck was wrong with half of America.

I mean, following this debate since the 1990s, one side has been constant - increasing amounts of manmade CO2 and other greenhouse gases will trap heat and increas the global temperature, having potentially devastating effects on climate.

The other side? The argument keeps changing. First it was “No, CO2 isn’t rising”.

Then it was “You all said a new Ice Age was coming!”

Then it was “There’s no warming!”

Then it was “Warming stopped in 1998!”

Now it’s “It’s a cycle!”

When your arguments keep changing but your position doesn’t, it’s because you didn’t arrive at that position through logic or reason or empirical observation.

They arrived at it through big piles of cash, courtesy of the Kochs.