
Colbert: T**** Denies Watching TV During Jan 6 Insurrection; Italy's Far Right Is Ruining "LOTR"

Eclectic Cyborg9/27/2022 12:59:45 pm PDT

I know you folks aren’t doctors and I am NOT asking for any diagnosis. I am only curious if any of you have experienced something like this before:

For about the past two hours, I have been experiencing a brief shooting pain that runs from my upper right leg to my lower right leg. It passes after about 10 seconds with seemingly no ill effects. I feel absolutely fine otherwise.

It seems to be happening every 20 or minutes or so since it started and no noticeable increase in severity.

My suspicion is a (hopefully temporary) nerve issue. I did do a fair bit of work around the house yesterday and could easily have tweaked something.