
This Is Amazing: "Hi Ren"

Anymouse ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿก๐Ÿ˜ท2/18/2023 3:59:06 pm PST

re: #25 Backwoods_Sleuth

Jimmy Carter is just one example of the many MANY of all faiths or none, who quietly live their faith and are not genocidal maniacs going after anyone who are not exactly like them or even nothing like them. They are, I believe, representative of their various religions, not what some would prefer to use a broad brush painting them with the outrageous and provoking acts of a few.

One of my favorite people of all time.

FWIW, I say this as an agnostic.

I agree. Unfortunately itโ€™s not those who quietly live their faith who grab power, even though they are the vast majority.

It was the Evangelical Christians who turned most strongly against him in the 1980 election, after Republican operatives successfully lied about the Bob Jones University segregation case at the Supreme Court (which was decided during the Ford Administration), and claimed Jimmy Carterโ€™s administration had pushed for it.

That propelled their votes straight to Ronald Reagan and his not-so-subtle racism.