
Gorgeous New Live Track From Julian Lage: "Nothing Happens Here"

ipsos2/09/2024 5:17:26 pm PST

re: #43 ckkatz

That’s right, Ben Cardin announced that he is retiring at the end of his term. Aren’t Democrats Debbie Stabenow of Michigan and Tom Carper of Delaware also retiring? And of course Manchin. Romney is the only Republican voluntarily retiring this cycle.

Delaware is as safe as it gets - I think their at-large Congresswoman, Lisa Blunt Rochester, is the Democratic candidate. Michigan shouldn’t be a problem either, especially given how dysfunctional their Republican party is right now.

It would be awesome if we had a viable Utah candidate, but that doesn’t look likely.

And we also have to hold a swingy Nevada seat. It’s as tough a year as we get, unfortunately.