
Texas School Board Meeting Live-Blogged

guitarguy3/25/2009 4:43:57 pm PDT

For what it’s worth, Mark Levin just tore a new one on a caller to his radio show. The caller commented on LA Governor Bobby Jindal allowing creationism/ID to be taught in schools.

Levin basically went on a semi rant about how all sides should be expressed in the classroom:

“What’s wrong with that? You gotta problem with that?”

The caller explained that he felt creationism should not be taught in a science class, and Levin went after him.

“Ehhh, don’t give me that crap about science class! You don’t get to say what should and shouldn’t be taught! I get to say it! You know what shouldn’t be taught? Bi-lingual-ism! And that global warming crap! THAT’s what shouldn’t be allowed in our schools!”

Levin’s an intelligent guy, but his attitude was a real turn-off. But I shouldn’t have been surprised. This is the same man who wrote lovingly about his deceased pet dog, ‘Sprite’. Yet he mocked and ridiculed Michael Savage’s love and affection for his own dog.