
Iran's Manhattan Project Rushing Ahead

StillAMarine9/29/2009 9:35:10 am PDT

At this point, it seems more and more certain that Israel will need to launch an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. It will be on its own since our GEL (Great Esteemed Leader) does not seem to be ready to lend any support. After all, General Cartwright, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Israel exactly where it stands in the US order of priorities:
First: US homeland
Second: US forces overseas (so far, so good)
Third: NATO countries, US allies (are they really our friends?)
Fourth: Friends like Israel

Upon such an attack, Iran will likely send out a fleet of small craft to mine the Strait of Hormuz and cut oil supplies from the Middle East. If one thinks we are in the middle of a bad recession now, just wait. This is to say nothing about the resulting war in the Middle East, with Israel trapped in the middle, likely with no help.

This is not President Obama’s fault; he inherited most of the problem. However, he did nothing but attempt to placate the insane mullahs when he could have ameliorated the situation by showing strength to the barbarians, especially when the Iranian people risked and gave their lives to show their displeasure with their leadership.