
Video: Carl Sagan Gets Down with His Bad Self

Walter L. Newton10/03/2009 10:05:15 pm PDT

re: #36 LudwigVanQuixote

Yes, but if he wanted to be balanced and fair, and he did mention it, it would take away from the notion that all religion is pointless. It does have a point, it can be useful and good and noble. It can also be terribly abused.

The militant atheists are quite right in mocking the cruelty and closed mindedness of many religious people. Of course, if those people actually followed their own faiths, they would behave differently.

There is a difference between the faith, and the defective use of it, by cruel or closed minded fools.

I don’t wish any ill towards someone with faith, never have, never will. But just as much as I don’t want to see creationism in the science class, I don’t want to see any mixing of science and religion.

If I do, than I challenge.