
Sunday Night Music: Jimmy Wahlsteen, 'Shifts of Attention'

Achilles Tang10/25/2009 5:58:35 pm PDT

re: #12 Irenicum

I posted this on the sninoffs, but though it was worth mentioning here too. Religion Dispatches is a progressive religion site that I’ve come to really enjoy. The analysis in this article is spot on.

Worth repeating. But there is nothing in there about what it is that makes people want to become Mormons. Nothing about the belief in the ridiculous (invisible gold plates etc. All well documented). Nothing in the belief of the good (whites), and the bad (darkies). Nothing about how many, none, members are not pure whites. Nothing about how bigamy (polygamy) was abolished at the threat of a gun, by the US military, with their god’s approval under duress.

Romney is no doubt a good administrator, but I will be interested to see how he deals with Beck and the other loonies in his “church” if he runs again.

Hell, the racist called Rev. Wright didn’t screw up Obama. Maybe assholes like Beck don’t matter either. We are really screwed; maybe.//