
Classics Illustrated #26 - Frankenstein (1945)

goddamnedfrank3/25/2010 6:10:02 pm PDT

Continuing the Dominionist Christians are no friends of the Jews theme from the last thread:

A theological anti-Semitism exists in the Dominionist plan to replace of Old Testament Israel with the Church, often called the “New Israel” (i.e., “replacement theology” — the church replaces the Jews as the new or true Israel, and Israel has no future as a distinct nation within God’s plan). They believe that Israel does not have a future different from any other nation. Historically, replacement theology has been the theological foundation upon which anti-Semitism has been built within the confines of professing Christianity. While reconstructionists do believe that the individual Jews will be converted to Christ in mass in the future, almost none of them believe that national Israel has a future, and thus, the Church has completely taken over the promises of national Israel. (Reconstructionist David Chilton said that “ethnic Israel was excommunicated for its apostasy and will never again be God’s Kingdom. … the Bible does not tell of any future plan for Israel as a special nation.” Reconstructionists believe that the Church is now that new nation, which is why Christ destroyed the Jewish state. Reconstructionists DeMar and Leithart have said, “In destroying Israel, Christ transferred the blessings of the kingdom from Israel to a new people, the church.”