
Onion: 'Iron Man 2' Buzz Heats Up Over Paltrow Rumor

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/20/2010 5:30:19 pm PDT

From the Townhall comments on the Buchanan piece… these should make it pretty clear exactly that fear, and a particular fear, is driving the “populists” such as Tea Partiers:

Location: IL
Reply # 40
Date: Apr 20, 2010 - 10:22 AM EST
South Africa
On average two white farmers are murdered each week ! Americans of european origin cannot allow themselves to become a minority ! The consequences to our children will be disastrous.
We must place a moratorium on immigration both illegal and legal. We bring our troops back home from europe and Japan and S. Korea. We must stop giving foreign aid to Israel and the arab countries. We must strenghten our nation by reducing the spending around the world and start spending just a p[ortion of that money here at home.


Location: GA
Reply # 14
Date: Apr 20, 2010 - 4:10 PM EST

Do you seriously believe your children or grandchildren will be better off when whites are a minority in the United States? Do you seriously believe that becoming a minority could possibly be good for us in any way?