
Captain Marvel #1, May 1968

Gus8/22/2010 8:47:31 pm PDT

re: #41 Aceofwhat?

aw, man, i forgot about the fever…now i feel bad about my little chortle at your grammatical expense.

look, LGF is always better when you’re logged in, but if you’re really running hot…the best thing you can do is get a crapton of sleep. the less energy your body commits to things you do while awake, the more it has to fight this thing off.

just looking out for a good dude…

Thanks Ace. I’m running hot but otherwise feel OK other than my mind drifting off a bit. Took a nap this afternoon. Not much I can do about it right now. Drinking some cold water and wiping my forehead with some of the cold water. I don’t think it’s a bug though. I’ve go some infection going on here. Nothing too drastic.