
Fox News Audience Spews Racial Slurs at Morgan Freeman

Scottish Dragon9/23/2011 2:01:47 pm PDT

re: #36 imp_62

No. This has a different flavour. The mood is one of self-righteous hate, the hate people feel for the truly disgusting, the truly dangerous, the utterly undeserving. It is the burning hatred of the Nazi mob, being carefully nurtured and directed by shrewd, calculating powers who have been biding their time, waiting for the correct moment to start a final push to attempt to extinguish Israel, and Jewish hope with her.


I have watched the usual shennanigans at the UN since the early 1980’s with respect to Israel. Much is said, and there is shouting and insults from the usual suspects in the Arab world. Later, serious people with serious expressions on their faces say serious things. Nothing changes.

What has you so down today? Israel is a big girl now, and she can pretty well take care of herself.