
Sen. Whitehouse's Must-See Climate Speech: We Ignore the Laws of Nature at Our Very Grave Peril

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/24/2011 3:09:33 pm PDT

re: #42 Charles

This is one of the ugliest things about today’s right wing — the baying mob howling for someone’s personal destruction.

Well they are just supporting free speech….

Seriously though, you would hope that after the Sherrod smear some people would grow a little spine. Of course, they didn’t. It is high time that we start talking a lot more about things like Rush’s use of prostitutes and many ex wives - and the same for Gingrich.

It is high time we poke a little into the private life of a putz like Breitbart and see what cockroaches are under his rocks… after all, he is willing to post pictures of some dud who just argued with him at a restaurant.

The truly tragic thing is that it is up to the blogosphere to do the job of the reporters and get at these punks. But, we can do it. And we must.