
Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Incites Violence Against OWS Protesters

Killgore Trout11/17/2011 11:21:25 am PST

re: #41 Obdicut

Dude. I am asking specifically about your comment about two girls who were maced by Tony Bologna. They were not violent. You celebrated the attack on them. You called them Marxist trust funders. Now you’re calling them hippies. Neither description is accurate.

If you regret what you said, why not express that? If you don’t regret it, why not defend it? Dodging it won’t make what you said disappear.

I don’t have much sympathy for them. They were participating in a violent protest, people fighting with cops, resiting arrest, interfering with arrests just a few feet away. The cops made a mistake by macing them but that’s the risk you take by participating in violent mobs. If they can sue the city and get a big fat settlement then good for them. They weren’t seriously injured.