
We've Come Too Far to Turn Back Now

moderatelyradicalliberal8/18/2012 11:01:33 am PDT

re: #33 Charleston Chew

I suspect that if you compare the First Family and the Romneys, while they are all smart competent people, one of those families has had to fight a little harder every day of their lives.

I guess so. For people who don’t come from money or good connections part of becoming successful is developing people skills. You have to get people to like and trust you in order for them to give you a shot. And the birther nonsense aside, Barack Obama does have an unusual background with wildly diverse experiences (Hawaii, Indonesia, Harvard, Chicago’s South Side, Wash, D.C.), so he was either going to be an outsider all of his life or adapt socially and culturally to his environment. He did the latter and it has served him very well.