
Video: First Lady Michelle Obama's Remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/05/2012 12:08:48 pm PDT

re: #33 Killgore Trout

I love how one moment you’re deriding the modern media for being nigh-useless, obsessed with pointless scandal, incapable of doing more than reporting what both sides say without actually pointing out factual errors, and the next moment you’re referring to ‘reputable news sources’.

Does it at all bother you to shift that fluidly from position to position? Is this a Mitt Romney impersonation?

An article comparing job growth under Obama during the largest recession we’ve seen in recent history, and Romney’s job growth in Massachussets during 2003-2007, is ridiculous. Futhermore, they admit “It is true that if you consider the average ranking of Massachusetts for job creation during Romney’s 2003-2007 term, the state comes in 47th.”

Finally, they repeat the idiocy of saying that, since Romney’s taxation and spending plan is a fiction and can’t possibly work, what we have to depend on is what he ‘promised’ to do. Never mind that his promises are inherently contradictory, because we can’t tell which promise he’ll violate, it’s wrong to say he’ll raise taxes on the middle class even though he’s specifically talked about eliminating deductions that benefit the middle class.

Why do you accept what media people say uncritically? I really don’t get it.