
Obama's BP Speech

Gus6/15/2010 6:56:25 pm PDT

re: #458

BP screwed the environment.
Not the other oil companies, who operated with safety in mind.
Not the PEOPLE working for those oil companies, or the people who owned or were employed by the companies that supported the oil industry.

I’m absolutely amazed to see, coming from several folks here who are all sympathetic to people losing their homes because they were over-extended and were sold a loan they couldn’t afford, to be so damned callous about the economic devastation about to befall thousands of families, from a decision that was NOT recommended by that panel of experts and in fact, the members of that panel of experts are coming out and saying that the blanket moratorium was NOT what the recommended and will do more harm than good.

I’m just - speechless.

Apparently they’re going to wait to see what recommendations come out of this panel. Keep in mind thought that there are people calling for the complete cessation of any and all drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico.