
Crack in the Far Right World

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/21/2010 9:14:59 pm PDT

re: #468 cliffster

opportunity cost. Whatever I made or lost on investment X, what could I have made on other investments. ok, the deduction for losses does have an impact, but one would hope it’s not much of an impact or one won’t be investing for long!

Sure. But it does show that you can’t talk about individual investments and get anywhere. It’s about your total tax picture.

The reason we’re seeing an uptick in bond buying right now is not because taxes have gone up, it’s because people are afraid of the risk in the market, because the economy is shaky. Ironically, higher government spending right now would ease investors fears and lead to greater investment.

And that is straight from the arch-Republican CEO of my former company, and the manager of a hedge fund that I know, also a staunch R. (though they’re probably sitting this election out, since they’re fiscal Rs.)