
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

NJDhockeyfan9/05/2012 7:55:11 am PDT

re: #427 lawhawk

Greets and saluts from the soggy NYC metro area. Nothing like a monsoon and delayed trains to wreck the AM rush hour. Anyhow, I see that there are quite a few reports indicating that hotels kicked out homeless people to make space available to DNC visitors. That follows reports yesterday that some Charlotte hotels were not much more than hovels and drug dens.

Isn’t that a function of the market at work? After all, the hotels are trying to make a bunch of money on the convention, and they can jack up the rates to maximize their profits, even if it means kicking out people who might otherwise be homeless. The DNC had nothing to with that - it’s businesses being businesses.

Then again, you would think that the same businesses wouldn’t want to be associated with drug deals and other criminal activities. Apparently some are willing to turn a blind eye on that front.

There appear to be lots of problems with the hotels out there.

Dirty hotel rooms reflect badly on Queen City

Rooms damaged at Blake Hotel where CA delegates will be staying

Democratic National Convention Hotels May Have Bedbugs