
Creepy Thursday Night Jam: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, "Red Right Hand"

CuriousLurker9/19/2014 8:47:47 am PDT

re: #455 Pie-onist Overlord

She has already plagiarized “The Kosher (Halal) Tax” and “Quotes From The Talmud (Quran/Hadith)”

The whole ebloa + jihadis sneaking across the Mexican border thing is reminiscent of accusations of well-poisoning and blaming Jews for the Black Death, which led to the Strasbourg pogrom on Valentine’s Day in 1349, during which hundreds of Jews were publicly burned to death—on their sabbath:

Jewish History Sourcebook:
The Black Death and the Jews 1348-1349 CE

In 1348 there appeared in Europe a devastating plague which is reported to have killed off ultimately twenty-five million people. By the fall of that year the rumor was current that these deaths were due to an international conspiracy of Jewry to poison Christendom. It was reported that the leaders in the Jewish metropolis of Toledo had initiated the plot and that one of the chief conspirators was a Rabbi Peyret who had his headquarters in Chambry, Savoy, whence he dispatched his poisoners to France, Switzerland, and Italy. […]

The Jews Are Burnt

On Saturday - that was St. Valentine’s Day-they burnt the Jews on a wooden platform in their cemetery. There were about two thousand people of them. Those who wanted to baptize themselves were spared. [Some say that about a thousand accepted baptism.] Many small children were taken out of the fire and baptized against the will of their fathers and mothers. And everything that was owed to the Jews was cancelled, and the Jews had to surrender all pledges and notes that they had taken for debts. The council, however, took the cash that the Jews possessed and divided it among the working-men proportionately. The money was indeed the thing that killed the Jews. If they had been poor and if the feudal lords had not been in debt to them, they would not have been burnt. After this wealth was divided among the artisans some gave their share to the Cathedral or to the Church on the advice of their confessors.

Thus were the Jews burnt at Strasbourg, and in the same year in all the cities of the Rhine, whether Free Cities or Imperial Cities or cities belonging to the lords. In some towns they burnt the Jews after a trial, in others, without a trial. In some cities the Jews themselves set fire to their houses and cremated themselves. […]

Excuse me while I go flip my desk…