
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

Salamantis2/15/2009 8:04:49 pm PST

re: #280 Marvo76

“The best thing to do is to go take a look at the CCC website. I just did & it doesn’t look off-putting at first. There is an ad for a white pride t-shirt, but if black pride shirts are okay, there shouldn’t be an issue. I did check out a link to something called the They do appear to be white racists. I read Guilty & found it to be quite enjoyable”

I gotta ask, would “white pride” be so bad? How about a “white history month” Or a White student union? If they are so bad, then why are they ok with the word “black” in front of them? Or do we owe a penance for our race?

First, find me some folks wearing white pride t shirts who don’t idolize Don Black or David Duke.