
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

ladycatnip5/04/2009 1:57:35 pm PDT

#475 Joel

I concur. What was so sad was the indoctrination of young minds. that I witnessed. Every Friday the kids (10 year olds) have a “What I appreciate” segment where they get up and say what it is they appreciated the most and just about all of them said “I appreciate President (elect) Obama”. I finally said “Hey kids, he is a man and a politician not a God”. (A rare case of courage for me in liberal Greenwich Village).

What you said was courageous! The question is, will you be asked back?

Leftist indoctrination begins in public elementary schools. Here in CA teachers used their students to demonstrate against the onslaught of coming “pink” slips. Teachers encouraged ALL students to wear pink on a particular day of protest, and some parents reported their kids’ teachers used veiled intimidation if the students didn’t participate. That’s scarier than ID to me.

This is one reason I do not fear ID - the teachers unions are strong and powerful (at least here in CA), and the NEA would never tolerate this.