
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Stuart Leviton12/23/2009 2:42:58 pm PST

re: #356 Walter L. Newton

Why am I mean. Another non answer. I see a lot of people slinging shit on this thread, but not actually making a statement.


Would there be any SINGLE person, rendered either in art, photograph or some medium, which is not meant to show the person in some satirical or sarcastic light… meaning meant to show the person such as he/she was, a recognizable reproduction of that person, in which you would find bothersome to be hanging or displayed on a Christmas tree decoration on the White House tree?

This general question still has not been answered. I already answered it above, I think anyone they wanted could be put on the tree.


Would I want to see anyone put on a tree? Taking the phrase in the biblical sense (see the Hebrew for Deuteronomy 21:22) where the phrase means to execute someone by hanging, there are very few people I would want to see put on a tree. Certainly here in the United States, I oppose the death penalty for it is used freely.

But answering your good question, I would not put Mohamed on a tree (with reference to the Danish cartoons).