
Watch for Trolls

Dark_Falcon1/07/2010 8:29:07 am PST

re: #473 JasonA

Heh. The Tea Partiers are on the hunt for trolls as well.

Tea partiers beware: “You can and will be banned for being a liberal.”

Organizers behind the upcoming Tea Party Nation convention we wrote about this morning told members today that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow tried to join the group and “we banned her 7 minutes after she joined.”

TPMDC, which also has signed up for the TPN mailing list, received an email to all members warning them that as the convention nears “we will in all likelihood be invaded by liberal trolls looking to disrupt the site.” The subject line was “Liberal Troll Alert!”

“Tea Party Nation reserves the right to ban anyone for any reason we feel necessary to ensure the well being of the site and our members,” the group writes in the email, which you can read in full after the jump.

If they can ban liberals, why don’t they ban racists and nirthers? Unless of course they are actually comfortable with such people?