
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Talking Point Detective11/16/2010 7:34:12 pm PST

re: #477 Obdicut

I have no idea, for example, how much manufacturing comes from large firms vs. small ones. Do you?

No. And it stands to reason that small-scale manufacturers were less likely to do what I’m talking about, and certainly privately-owned companies as well. But it also stands to reason that large-scale, publicly owned companies would represent a large segment of the overall industry.

Er, yes. But that has zero relevance to what I was talking about. I wasn’t talking about skill level, but simply the number of skilled jobs.

My point was that it’s largely the (relatively) unskilled manufacturing jobs that have been lost.

I never said that the problems were mutually exclusive.

Good, then we’re in agreement.

Could you maybe sum up what you think I’m saying the problem in manufacturing is, please?

Actually, I’m not exactly sure what you’re saying. If you’re saying that the main problem with manufacturing in the U.S. is increased productivity due to technological advances, then I’m saying that I think it’s more complicated than that.