
The Glenn Greenwald-Fox News Convergence

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam7/02/2013 7:54:32 am PDT

re: #456 BruceMajors4DC

Except that he’s been in Moscow’s airport for eight, going on nine days, according to several sources — including Putin himself — and before that he was quite definitely in Hong Kong. Visual sitings, even. If he were in Iceland, then there’d be no need for all these theatrics about finding asylum somewhere.

Is it possible for you to make one comment without dinging Obama, Clinton or anybody else you don’t like?

re: #445 BruceMajors4DC

It’s funny to read a group of fairly conventional establishment Democrats talk about race, since the second biggest source of donations for your candidates, after bailed out Wall Street bankers, are the educrat cartels you sell poor black and brown kids to after you kidnap them. I see some of you are even speaking about the slave trade without any cognizance of your place in that legacy.

Just what the fuck are you talking about? What is an “educrat cartel?” Is this something normal people call “universities” or “colleges?”