
Video: Israel and Lebanon Battle Over a Tree

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/03/2010 3:25:36 pm PDT

re: #417 McSpiff

Define what you think the objectives of peacekeeping are. I highly suspect you will be totally off the mark.

The mandate was rather clear in the resolution that applies to disarm the militias. This was not done. Even if you argue now that is not what those words clearly mean - that is certainly what the Israelis foolishly took them to mean (because it was stupid of Olmert to trust the UN) when they agreed to cease fire prematurely. At best, you are arguing bait and switch.

Looks like Lebanese army to me.

That is a foolish observation since Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government and part of the power sharing arrangement was Hezzie control over the south. The souther Lebanese forces are riddled with Hezzie men.