
Trump Surrogate Gen. Flynn Retweets Blatant Antisemite, Then Says It Was a "Mistake"

Backwoods Sleuth7/24/2016 6:28:13 pm PDT


State Rep. Ron Sandack, a Downers Grove Republican and vocal legislative ally of Gov. Bruce Rauner, is resigning from the Illinois House after saying he’s had “cyber security issues” in recent days.

Sandack had been facing a re-election race in November and is well known in Illinois politics for his heavy use of Twitter and Facebook, as well as his role as a floor leader for Republicans in the Illinois House.

Sandack did not return requests for comment Sunday evening. But Illinois House Republicans provided a statement Sandack sent to political blog Capitol Fax, which broke the news.

“It has been a tremendous honor and privilege to serve the people of the 81st district for the past four years in Springfield,” he said in the statement. “But after some cyber security issues arose, I began to re-evaluate my continued public service.”

Last week, some of Sandack’s social media accounts disappeared, raising questions because he’s so vocal on the platforms. He was finishing a second term in the Illinois House after a stint in the Illinois Senate.