
Got a Big Hamas Fish

yma o hyd1/15/2009 12:36:44 pm PST

re: #436 Oh no…Sand People!

I hope you are right. I timidly check the headlines waiting to read, “Israel agrees to Ceasefire / Truce / Peace Plan”…etc.

But keep it up IDF. For the love of Pete. Keep it up.

All these news about Israel accepting the cease fie proposals are, i think, preemptive news. People like Mobarak or Ban-Ki Moon are desperately trying to force Israel’s hands with these statements.

Its not going to happen - Livni bringing the fate of Shalit right out in a press conference tells me that she at least knows that the people of Israel will not forgive any politician who is now seen to cave in - and the elections are next month.

Meanwhile, the IDF gets on with what they have to do.