
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

Throbert McGee5/15/2009 10:26:23 pm PDT

re: #21 Catttt

Are you saying being gay is a choice?

For bisexuals — people who instinctively get horny for both women and men — there is a definite element of choice. They can choose to have have sex with both women and men, or they can choose to live as heterosexuals, and enjoying sexual contact with the same sex only in fantasies, or they can choose to live as homosexuals, and enjoy sexual contact with the opposite sex only in fantasies.

But for people who aren’t bisexual — meaning either people, whether male or female, who feel a strong sexual attraction to men, and little or no sexual attraction to women; or people, whether male or female, who are strongly attracted to women, but not at all to men — sexual orientation is not a matter of choice.